Our hearing is considered one of the most important senses. This is normal since it allows you to be careful with some dangers that you cannot see. an example would be a car coming around the corner, where you will hear the car before you actually see it. Hearing is very important when you communicate with each other as we usually speak and then listen, or vice versa. But many people are deaf from birth or find that hearing deteriorates as they get older. This can be a very daunting experience, but thankfully we have hearing aids to help us.
Initially, it is important to recognize how our ears actually hear sounds. Sound can best be described as a form of energy that we can overhear. Usually when something makes a sound it will usually vibrate and force the air molecules to move around far more energetically. This will cause many amounts of air molecules to crash into each other and then create good energy. These specific waves of sound energy will be traveling in many directions until it finally reaches your ears.
Large external flap on the ears, known as limbs, is actually shaped as they are to collect sounds coming from many directions. It is then able to funnel sound directly into the ear canal, which is the hole that leads to your inner ear. You will then find the end of the ear canal is the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates when sound waves hit them. in addition, there are three small bones in the skull that can detect vibrations from the eardrum and will forward them to the cochlea. The three small bones called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup, cochlea, a snail that shaped organ that is filled with fluid and small hairs. Sound vibrations will cause the liquid in the cochlea to travel back and forth while small hairs to detect vibrations. This, in turn, sends an electrical signal to the brain which then will be heard as a noise.
Unfortunately, the actual Path between the outer ear and the brain can be damaged or blocked in a number of ways and this can lead to hearing loss or even someone become deaf. The most common form of hearing loss is due to the hairs in the cochlea are damaged. Fewer hairs, smaller stimulus is sent to the brain, thus it means sounds will need to be higher to hear them. This is where a hearing aid is so good that someone who has impaired hearing. If anyone has suffered a loss of hair cells in the cochlea, a hearing aid can make a huge difference.
A hearing aid can best be described as an electronic sound amplifier. In reality, they are no different than a person on the stage with a microphone, or a person who speaks to a large crowd through a loudspeaker. All hearing aids actually contains a microphone, amplifier, a speaker and a battery to power them. But instead of being as big as a microphone or speakers, they are usually small and unobtrusive and can be worn just behind your ear or just inside the ear canal.
The most common type of hearing aid is behind the ear and will usually consist of two separate parts. First, it is a hard plastic bag containing a small amplifier, speakers, microphone, just behind the ear. This should then be linked via a hose to a plug which is called the ear mold. Mold is shaped to fit inside a person's ear canal. The microphone will then pick up sounds around you and instantly turn them into an electric current. The amplifier will then be able to increase the size of the current, and the speaker then becomes original audio to a much louder sound. This amplified sound will eventually make its way into the ear mold. Another style of hearing aid is the in the ear hearing aid. This has exactly the same components, but they are all equipped with a device which can be pushed directly into the ear canal. One in the ear hearing aids are very discreet and you will often not be able to tell if someone is carrying a.
There are two main types of hearing aid and these are analog and digital. An analogue hearing aid will be able to convert sound to electrical currents and increase these flows, before converting them back to make the audio appear higher. Digital hearing aids usually cost a lot more money, and are considerably more sophisticated. They are known to convert audio to a numerically coded signal before turning back to the sound. You can also set up a digital hearing aid that highlight specific audio or even blocks the unwanted noise. Unfortunately, that analog hearing aids just reinforce all with exactly the same amount.