It is the world toilet day and it is no laughing matter

It is the world toilet day today — not much of a celebration for the porcelain throne, a call to action to help the 2.5 billion people in the world who do not quite WORK. One-third of the people around the world do not have access to the proper sanitation of the United Nations, according to the post, many of them threatened by diseases, such as diarrhea, cholera and typhus, and many other health problems.

About 2 million people--many of them small children — die each year, diarrhoeal diseases, according to the World Health Organization. Nearly 2,000 children die every day from preventable diarrheal — 760,000 children in total in the year 2011 with UNICEF.

Recycling urine for drinking water in space

The United Nations world toilet day in it turns to spark a movement for the sanitation of the water supply related issues, such as the development of the regions, and to change the behavior of the billions of people who do not have a safe place to relieve himself.

The population shift from rural to urban areas in developing countries, people are still packaged in urban slums, which are not equipped with sewage systems, latrines, basic WORK or readily available, clean drinking water, according to William Moomaw, Professor of international environmental policy at the Fletcher School of Law and diplomacy at Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts

"It's literally like walking around with a cesspool, the amount of which is made of," Moomaw told ABC News. "Some of these places just flows of waste in the streets." Sub-par sanitation often create contaminated drinking water, and when the facilities are not safe for women and persons with disabilities, to put sexual violence. And the economic impact is difficult, according to the World Bank. It estimated economic losses from poor access to sanitation, 260 billion dollars a year.

Cleaning up the world's sanitation

Personal scale of the farmers and others who do not have clean TOILETS may water transport the disease and stop promoting economic production Moomaw said. "You can grow if you are sick," he said.

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